Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Infographic: Best Health Apps Not Invented Yet

What would you add to the list?

Infographic: The Health Benefits of Senior Gaming

Senior Gaming Health Benefits Infographics
Yes, It's a Thing. No, It's not Going away. Why? Because it has so many health benefits and it's fun.
It shouldn't come as any surprise that our beloved seniors, pensioners, retirees, baby boomers -- or what ever the label -- love gaming too.... I'm not talking about the casino kind.
In fact, seniors (50+) game at a higher rate than the general population. 50+, I know, I know that's not a senior, but they wanted to capture the broader trend.
This study really makes you wonder how the "tech incompetent grandparents" myth still thrives. AARP, Florida State University and several other research organizations sought to get some quantifiable data on this tech phenomenon. I've summed up some of their best findings in the below senior gaming graphic. But you can learn more by visiting AARP. 
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